They are there for us, we for them thats it .

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Jun 4Liked by Gia

Great advice Gia.

How boring to surround yourself with people who just agree with you on everything. My best friends are the people I can have a great discussion with and know we may continue to disagree at the end but we will still be friends.

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Blimey that line 'he didn't want a partner he wanted a fan' REALLY resonated, for reasons I expect you understand. For years I believed that he enjoyed the fact I challenged him sometimes, or questioned his creative decisions, however interestedly. Actively wanted someone who didn't just nod and smile and say 'you're brilliant'. HA HA how wrong was I. He just wanted to be on a pedestal, to me and his kids. That's not a relationship, it's not even a dialogue, and without dialogue, how can there be anything else? xxx

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Jun 15Liked by Gia

Hard, but good, advice for me to swallow. Thank you.

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