wow i'm burntout just reading, how the hell did you survive, you must be a very strong person, i know you're a good mum because you've never let your children down, i'm pleased you finally found the trees,birds and growing things to eat,enjoy your peace and tell the rest of the world to go to hell, time to look after yourself,time to breath and feel the grass under your feet, stay safe and take care 🫂

💜Pandorah from Australia 💜

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Thanks for this. Wishing you all good things, and the ever refreshing joy of looking at stuff. Our own harsh self judgement and accrual of stress is insidious... feeling the world will fall apart if you just don't do x, oh, then y and then z. Then backto a.

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I can imagine much to do with entertainment industry allows for abuse. Like we haven’t evolved much socially from putting people into stocks and throwing rotten veg at them. Sorry to hear that you had such a hard time. I find you inspiring and I like to believe diligence pays off in the long run.

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People? Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

Why does the human animal behave as it does? Ernest Becker's 'Denial of Death's was a real eye opener. I've haven't thought of people the same way since reading it.

But yeah, stay happy, the bastard's hate that. 😁

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Mostly, brilliant that you are happy. Thank you for sharing. Those experiences are not unfamiliar to many in the tortured arena of the overcrowded, disorganised, psychologically and organisationally dysfunctional media business environment....Stick close to those that make it an easier and happier place to be if something else more enticing doesn't lure you away...Good thinking...All gold and green and blue in our neck of the woods...Just a happy place to be. Looking forward to chatting further.

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This resonates. Work hard. Success will follow. And it did. For a bit. At school. At uni. Until it didn't. And the really hard bit is realising that the way I had decoded the world (Work hard. Success follows.) doesn't actually work. So I have to decode the world again while fighting the patterns set in my head that support "Work hard. Success follows.". How do we decode the world as it is and not as we wish it to be?

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Thanks, very honest. Jupp it works until it don’t (slaughter of grammar intentionally).

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Wishing you health and happiness. I have been there ( albeit in a different industry) and I didn’t have a child to take care of at the same time. I think you are doing an amazing job.

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Dang, that kid I remember trying to go down the playground slide standing up on wet snowmobile boots has been through a lot! I’m feeling you on this one. Xo

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Reading this helped me feel the levels of stress and burn out. I’m lucky enough to be retired. Frequently I’m wandering around the house, doing just as I please, and asking myself how I was ever able to do the things I once did as a worker.

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Remember that old cigarette ad for Virginia Slims , " you can have it all baby"? A catchy phrase for the womens lib movement at the time. That was what they told us and we believed them. What they didn't tell us is you're not likely to have it "all" at once, and so many of us burnt ourselves out trying and felt like failures because we couldn't do it. Sounds like you've had such a varied career, your hands in so many interesting things and none of it sounds easy, plus raising a kid on your own. You don't need anyone to tell you you're amazing or successful, you did all that and should be very proud of yourself.

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